Whether yours is a topping plant or a highly complex refinery and whether you run an Asphalt Plant, a Hydrocracker or a Coker, SSV has the valves you need to ensure safe, reliable and cost effective operations. SSV has been designing and building high-quality, reliable valves for the refining industry.
The refining industry has undergone many changes, from the methods of processing to the length of time that they operate their process units. These changes, along with the emergence of low sulfur fuel specifications, the requirement to process lower grade crude and the need to convert more bottom-of-the-barrel residuals, have put an extreme demand on isolation and control valves. Unreliable and unpredictable valves in emergency situations can cause enormous monetary losses and have devastating consequences for personnel. SSV has responded to these challenges by developing a combination of diverse trim configurations and high quality coatings for use in high temperature, high pressure, erosive, corrosive, viscous and coking / asphaltene applications.